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Cascaded Raman fiber lasers with ultrahigh spectral purity,”

Rashmita Deheri, Sarthak Dash, V. R. Supradeepa, and V. Balaswamy,

Opt. Lett. 47, 3499-3502 (2022).

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Versatility of Stimulated Raman Scattering Based Power Combining of Multiple Fiber Lasers,”

V. Balaswamy and V. R. Supradeepa,

IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 34, no. 15, pp. 823-826, 1 Aug.1, 2022.


“Visible light flashes induced by pulsed stimulated Brillouin scattering in narrow-linewidth, high-power, near-IR fiber lasers”

Vishal Choudhury, Santosh Aparanji, Roopa Prakash, V Balaswamy and V R Supradeepa

J. Opt. 23 075501 (2021).

Determination and Analysis of Line-Shape Induced Enhancement of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Noise Broadened, Narrow Linewidth, High Power Fiber Lasers,”

B. S. Vikram, R. Prakash, V. Balaswamy and V. R. Supradeepa

IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 1-12, April 2021. 


“All passive architecture for high efficiency cascaded Raman conversion,”

V. Balaswamy, S. Arun, G. Chayran, and V. R. Supradeepa,

Opt. Express 26, 3046-3053 (2018).

“Simultaneous Raman based power combining and wavelength conversion of high-power fiber lasers,

Santosh Aparanji, V. Balaswamy, S. Arun, and V. R. Supradeepa,

Opt. Express 26, 4954-4960 (2018). 

Resonant Pumping of High Power Fiber Lasers with Conventional Laser Diodes

S. Arun, V. Balaswamy, G. Chayran and V. R. Supradeepa

OSA Continuum 1, 651-657 (2018). 

@copyright FLARe Lab, ECE, IISc Bengaluru

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